Friday, November 21, 2008

I Need a Medic!!

My boys are involved in a boyscout type of group, and today was my day to teach. I chose first aid, so we could earn that badge before we tackled hiking, camping POCKET KNIFE, or any of those other important badges that require you to know first aid, in case of an emergency.

I have to say the moms and dads that volunteer to help are so wonderful! And today I was so grateful for them! We started off great. I told them all about the Good Samaritan story Jesus told in the bible. I wanted them to understand how important helping each other is. I had them sit on the grass (making sure there were no ants first, this IS FL) in the sun to keep warm, since it was chilly today. Thinking I was being so thoughtful by doing this, I started to read. They all started to grumble about being hot. I continue to read, being moved myself by this Samaritan's generosity, when one of our boys gets bored and starts to "mow" the grass with his hands, flinging dry grass bits into all the other boy's eyes. Now, as many of you know, I have children with challenges, and I know first hand that boys can get distracted and become motivated to do such things, when pressed to sit too long. So I begin to read like the micro machine man (if you were old enough during the eighties, then you know this man) and continue to add in "OK, now we're going to have to use first aid right here if you don't quit throwing the grass around" and "sit still, we're going to have smashed fingers if you step on someone"

Finally after what felt like (I guess) to the boys, reading the entire New Testament, we head over to the tables to stencil a cross onto our first aid bags. Now mind you, I spent allot time prepping for this craft, (of course if you know me, then you know all the prep took place less than 24 hours prior, but it happened none the less) and I had all the stencils clipped to the bags ahead of time to save these boys from having to figure it out. By the time I finished handing out the bags, the first few boys were already trying to play with the clothes pins and clip them to their lips and each other! Time to get out the bright red ACRYLIC paint...

Most of the boys did really well! I was very proud of them, and the neatness was VERY unexpected! On to the first aid session. My wonderful parent helpers took the painted bags and moved them so they could dry. And we head over to the next station. I start to explain about bandaging and tourniquets, and one of the nursery moms come around the corner with my precious baby covered in slobber and sobbing. Ahhh separation anxiety. Gotta love it! Bless the mom's heart, she felt so terrible for my little bundle of slobbery sweetness. So what choice did I have, but to take her. But there was no one else to teach the class, so I continue, while holding my now, happy, drooly baby. (I wanted to use the strip of fabric to wipe her little face, and I would have too, had it not been attached to a little boy's arm! It is at this moment, that one of our little guys falls mouth first into the picnic table, and blood is oozing out of his lip and chin! (OK, truce! I honestly really don't know much about first aid, so I was like, "OK, we really can't put a band aid on that, so I guess we better get some ice and get his mom") It is also at this time, that I look over and all the paint covered First Aid bags are blowing off the tables on to the mulch covered ground.

I continue to show them how to wrap a limb and explain why it's important(you know, slow the blood flow and elevate the limb), and then let them all have a go at it. I really don't know what I was expecting, but I turn around and out of all these little boys, about 75% of them are trying to A-either wrap them around their partner's head, like a mummy, or B-wrap them around their own necks! My own son says, "hey mom, I'm stopping the blood flow!" as he has this thing twisted around his neck. (I am still holding the baby, by the way)

I direct them back to the field, to get some of this energy out, by doing a relay race. They were to wrap their team mate's arm and then bring them back (like the good Samaritan helped the poor guy on the road), and so on, until they finished. Thinking they all have this understood, I yell on your mark....etc.

I look over, I have team #1 ALL running to the other side, and team #2 trying to follow directions, or at least what they believed were the right directions. And the dad helping us is laughing along with myself and another mom. He says, "I don't think I even understand" It is at this moment that I realize my directions weren't clear, and didn't make any sense! Not even a little. I dismiss the boys to have free play, and it's immediately Lord of the Flies up in there! Arguing who's smarter and stronger. So "Back over the field!" I say. We play duck duck goose (big boy style, "super fast!" I say It was great, until my own son goes crashing into the ground face first. So Major headache for the rest of the day! "OK pudding for everyone!" I yell, and the screaming mob of minimen race back to the picnic tables. It is the best thing I could have done, to bring peace among the savages. (If any of you reading this, are a parent of one of these precious boys, I do apologize, please do not take offense! I truly love each one of these dear sweet children, but two of them ARE mine, and I know first hand how wild and um "energetic" boys can get!)

After ALL of this, it was so lovely to see these young men settle down, and begin to make cards and pack Christmas boxes for children in Haiti. I saw the care they put into each box, and I was proud.

As for me teaching, I'm not sure how much these little ones actually absorbed today, or how much I even got out there for them to grasp. Our first aid class was full of scrapes, bumps and even cuts, and not once did we get to dress the wounds or ice the bruises, but my prayer is the scripture we read will find a place in their hearts, and they will put into action the spirit of generosity.

After today, I don't think I will attempt the Pocket Knife badge!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Unleashing the Inner Monster- A Transparent Me

I don't know why it is, but I have this ability to destroy some one's feelings or build them up with only a few words. I guess we all have that ability, but whether we choose to use that or not, is what sets us apart.

I read a little poem a while back about a mom who wouldn't dare speak a cross word to a stranger, but had no problem blurting out rude commands to her small child when she was frustrated. "Get back I'm working" "Don't touch that!" well any parent, mom or dad, has felt that frustration. And we all fall short at some point.

But I wonder why it is that we exercise such self control toward complete strangers, even when they wrong us, but when it comes to our family, the very ones who love us the most, we unleash the beast!

I was pouring over this subject in prayer last night, after everyone else in my home was asleep. Why am I so quick to condemn and find fault in the precious ones God has placed in my care. My kids AND my husband.

The Lord impressed upon me a scripture last week. Proverbs 14:1 The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish tears it down with her own hands. (NAS) At first I felt convicted by this, and wanted to search out ways to improve myself, in certain areas, one being, how I treat my loved ones. But after about two days, I became indignant! *I* do "this" and *I* do "that" why should *I* have to adjust or change anything else? I can't give any more! This is in fact a lie straight from the enemy, one I bought into very easily, because it gave me the "freedom" to give myself a break, and revert to selfpity.

Well, it has been five days since I've given over to this "old" way of thinking, and the Lord has shown me how selfish and destructive this can be! It has been the most miserable five days, I've been so self-absorbed. Have you ever heard the Mercy Me song "So Long Self"? I think we go through this several times in our lives, trying to rid of this ugly person we "used" to be, but just like that scraggly stinky old neighborhood stray cat, they keep coming back to aggravate those around them.

So how do we extract these sinful, selfish personalities from ourselves, when we are so used to them, and it seems that's all we've known? We learn to HATE them! When our hearts become in tune with the Lord, then those old ways are NOT all we know. They are just easier. And the truth is, I can't do anything I do in my own strength. When God gave me that verse, what He wanted me to see, was this..

He made me, all of us, with a deficiency, a need to fill ourselves with Him. And when we don't, we DO become depleted and weakened. Then we go into survival mode, which means, "me first", and our old spirit of selfish rebellion comes back. We begin to ask why God would put such a load on us, and not make us capable to handle it. But, when we give ourselves over, and allow His words to enrich us, and His Spirit to envelope us, we become ALIVE, and able to handle ALL things, through His strength.

We are not to say a prayer, and give ourselves once to God, no more than we can say "I do" and commit to our spouse once at the altar. It is a daily choice!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Charitable Heart

Our local Christian radio station does a "share-a-thon" every year to raise support money. Well we listen to them in the car, sometimes through out the day, and my kids listen to it turned down low at night. It has been uplifting for us, and my boys have learn scriptures and songs, that are so enriching!

Both of my boys, but especially my oldest has asked me since day one of the share-a-thon, to donate $20. That is the figure he came up with, and has stuck to it! All day today he begged me and begged me, so finally at a stop light, I pick up my phone and call to pledge. My heart was so full knowing that the reason I called was because my son, and his sweet giving heart, wanted to give to them, because (in his own words) "they've made my life better, they are my favorite radio station!"

Once the call had ended, I told them that I had called and how much we pledged to give every month. His little face lit up when he found out you give EVERY month!

A few minutes later we were standing in a checkout line when my youngest son decides to tell everyone at the counter that we gave to the radio station and how much we gave every month! He was so proud! And I, being an adult, ducked my head a touch, slightly embarrassed. Something about discussing your money matters in front of strangers makes adults uncomfortable. But I was very proud of him for being so happy over giving to others!

Tightrope Walking the Clothesline

Today my oldest son, (I like to think of him as "Edison II") decides he wants to help the world and "go green". I was very proud listening to him, and all of his well-thought out ideas. He is very bright (one reason I think of him as "Edison II") Me being the proud mommy I am, praised his ideas, and encouraged him to continue thinking in this direction, to help "save our planet".

A few minutes later I'm wiping up smashed bananas my one year old left all under her highchair "just for me" and the mixed in raisins and cheerios, when I hear someone rummaging through the garage. I look up and here comes Mr. Inventor himself, with a jump rope, one of my good bronze colored curtain poles, and a child-size broom in hand. "Where ya goin'" I ask. "I'm going to start washing all my laundry by hand in the bathroom sink, and make my own clothesline out back to hang them on" "Oh no I say, not with my good curtain pole!" Continues to tell me how all the windows in my home are already covered, and why do I need that one any way. "Don't I want to help save energy?"

We go back and forth like this for a few minutes, me trying to explain why his invention won't work, and him giving me reasons it will. It's at this point the home school teacher comes out in me, and tells mom she needs to step aside a minute, because after all, didn't Edison's mom help him and encourage him to "explore and create"?

So I tell him if he can find something else, I will allow him to try. He comes back with a piece of molding we bought a year ago to finish my one year old's bedroom. Now to him, he doesn't understand why we would need something we bought that long ago and never put up, it must not be that important, so I should let him use it. (He did not say it just like that, but I got the vibe) So back out to the garage he went.

He came back with a smile across his whole face, two identical rakes in one hand and a shovel in the other, with a piece of cable wire hanging over his arm. I concede, and he set out to create this clothesline. I go back to my cleaning, and one minute in, he calls me to the back door. He needs me to get the holes started for him. The grass is too thick. Now I'm thinking," this is my thick green beautiful grass, I'm about to dig into" Meanwhile, he finds a beetle, and takes it over to the back door to let it be free and crawl around the door frame. I get the hole dug, and go back inside to my dishes, and he calls a couple of minutes later. I don't answer, so I turn around and there he is...

"Can you please help me get the other one started mom?" I am busy I say, I thought you wanted to do this. "Please I just need you to start it, besides, you should wash the dishes by hand you know, it saves allot of energy and water" (Blasted TV!) I did not fuss at him, because he said this with a very earnest heart. So I go back outside, put the shovel to the ground, and take a hug chunk out of my beautiful grass. I look down and there's a HUGE grubb worm!! And of course we have to study it. (I'm thinking, "I guess my lawn isn't as healthy and beautiful as I thought" Not at all amused by this ugly creature!) I turn over the huge grass chunk and there it was, a nice big fat black cable cut clean in two!!! What could I do?! I turned around and went back into the house. Started loading the dishwasher again, and my hair is itchy! I rub the back of my hand across my ear area to ease the itch, and there it is again, I reach up with my wet hand and the BEETLE falls out of my hair!!!!! Into the dish washer!! So I kindly get a knife, and....

Next thing I know, here comes my little one, all covered in black dirt, going to take a bath. After he's all done, he comes through with his wet drippy shirt he just washed in the tub and hangs it on his home made, one-shirt-holding, clothesline. Even though
a FEW times I felt like the "mommy-me" was walking an emotional tightrope, and there times I wanted to scream over this ordeal, I didn't because, he was so proud of himself, and even though it was allot of mess, so was I! He followed through and didn't give up!